bells and whistles - definition. What is bells and whistles
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bells and whistles         
Bells & Whistles; Bells and whistles (disambiguation)
attractive additional features or trimmings.
bells and whistles         
Bells & Whistles; Bells and whistles (disambiguation)
<jargon> (By analogy with the "toyboxes" on theatre organs). Features added to a program or system to make it more flavourful from a hacker's point of view, without necessarily adding to its utility for its primary function. Distinguished from chrome, which is intended to attract users. "Now that we've got the basic program working, let's go back and add some bells and whistles." No one seems to know what distinguishes a bell from a whistle. [Jargon File] (2007-04-03)
Bells and whistles         
Bells & Whistles; Bells and whistles (disambiguation)
Bells and whistles refers to non-essential features, visual or functional, that are an enhancement to an object.


Bells and whistles
Bells and whistles refers to non-essential features, visual or functional, that are an enhancement to an object.
أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. additional bells and whistles that
Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe _ Alex Filippenko _ Talks at Google
2. without all of the bells and whistles
Neither Ghost nor Machine _ Jeremy Sherman _ Talks at Google
3. and then adding slight little bells and whistles
The Customer Playbook _ Peter Fader & Sarah Toms _ Talks at Google
4. not simply as ways of adding bells and whistles
5. With all its bells and whistles, one of those robots
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. The LifeDrive offers bells and whistles most people don‘t want.
2. There aren‘t fantastic costumes, catchy songs or other bells and whistles to entertain little ones.
3. Before police arrived, the crossing lights, bells and whistles went off.
4. You can buy one for only NIS 1'',''', plus any bells and whistles you might crave.
5. These labs boast all sorts of bells and whistles, including Internet–based printing.